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CIMT I dream of delivering this speech of thanks to cimt 2013 - cimtpete

I dream of delivering this message to the attendees. Maybe the fact I wrote my speech after day 1, means I will be invited to deliver it before the end. We can dream of inspiration, we can dream of cure, of life. Here goes nothing. You cannot say I am not very trying. My friends on CSN will testify to that. I emailed it to the cimt committee, I am so brash! We hold any thing in reserve, we only have one life to live.

The speech

Cancer really changed me, not just that final oncogenetic change all those years ago.
To think my survival story is due to one cell out of trillions and trillions. Alot more cells in my obesse toxic body, I was 137 kilograms, now I am 92Kg, and as strong and healthy as I have ever been desipte some tumour initiating cells that I cannot shake off. Is the cancer epidemic the result of cumulative genetic weaknesses in our DNA over the last 100 years, of our toxic life style ?
Whatever the reason for the epidemic ? weneed beneficial therapies with curative potential yesterday.

Its ironic that if the cause of cancer is our unhealthy, toxic lifestyle and environment, then my Mothers advice about be healthy was correct. I should have listened. Maybe we need to listen to mother earth. Maybe our global environemental problems mirrors some of the metabolic, epigenetic and genetic problems that cause cancer.

Cancer changed not just my body but my personality, I am so focused and determined to not just survive but to thrive.

To speak to you is a dream come true. I am grateful to CIMT for granting my wish.
I am proud to be standing here, alive before you, sharing my story of Immunotherapy success thus far and my passion for life. I count my blessings today. I am savouring this moment. I will enjoy tomorrow when it comes no matter what.

how do you say thank you to so many I have never met before this breakthrough conference ?

I must try, to thank you properly.

A two important things happened in 1966.  I was born and man reached for the stars. The first happened in Australia the other in space.  "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". Armstrong saw the earth and the stars, what view. I feel the same as Armstrong when I look at your brilliant posters and am in awe at the passion for discovery evident in speeches we have heard.

Like Armstrong dreamed of walking on the moon, I dream of climbing everest.
The view from the summit i have imagined so often. Its a clear crisp magnificent dawn with the world before me. Large powerful dreams are eseential to life. I dreamed of coming CIMT.

 I remember the exact moment my life changed so dramatically, I can still see the blood in the toilet bowl on about 9am on the 28th May 2010. My diagnosis was the most horrific shock that I ever experienced. I immediately switched on my survival genes, they are still switched on. I started focused learning that day, and have not stopped.

Will my remission from metastaic colorectal last long enough to accomplish my dreams.
I have faith in prayer.

The tumours in my liver were like golf balls, the tumours all through my peritoneam were like the marbles my kids play with and the lung metastasis as big as my wife's wedding ring. They were inoperable, incurable to current conventional medicine. My so my terminal prognosis allowed access my life insurance payment which funded my last ditch hope at survival. The day after I was on a plane, leaving my family and friends. Going half way around the world in a last ditch effort to survive. I have been here 8 months now.

I knew immunotherapy was my best hope, intuitively.

These tumours vanished as quickly and unexpectedly as they arrived thanks to breakthrough European medicine I had access to in German clinics.
All my doctors here and back home were as surprised and overjoyed as I was.

The therapies that worked included a trifunctional antibody REMOVAB that likes ECAMP , chemoembolisation that delivered the best chemo agents based on chemo sensitivity testing.
Not the use of inarterial injection of localisedavastin ( off label use that we suspect inhibits Treg and MDSC ) , then primed p2x7 and snail virus and or unprimed dendtritic cell vaccine and newcastle virus disease and hyperthermia and ozone and gcmaf and many other supportive therapies .

No one has documented my case as a best case, they have not explained my miracle yet! Please feel free to review all my medical records that I have published on my blog. I AM LIKE THE MOULD IN THE PETRI DISH, why the complete responses ? answer that question and you will have the cure. Maybe the missing ingredient is the patient contribution ! Maybe truly personalised holistic german medicine is the secret of my success! Or maybe I am lucky! or did I make my luck ? You decide. I am offering 1,000 euro prize to whoever can review my records and come up with an detailed, plausable explanation for my miracle.

So the metastatis departure was as welcome as there arrival was a surprise.  Just like the arrival of a student arriving at CIMT with metastatic colorectal cancer.

What's the world coming too. Patients dreaming of being doctors, what next ?
Doctors dreaming of being scientists, what next ?
Scientists dreaming of being CEOs, what next ?
CEOs dreaming of being Venture Capitalists or fund managers, what next ?


I dream of a healthy life and my PHD.  I have found your curiousity and hungry for understanding the miracle of our biology inspirational. Its so contagious.

Will your discovery, be as grand as the view from everest ?
as magnificent as standing on from the moon ?
what can man achieve ?
where can science take us in our dreams ?

I look at you with tears in my eyes, your discoveries, each one of you, everyone, thats right. Contribute to our understading of life, to immunotherapy specifically. That understanding will save lives. The universities that encourage and protect discovery, well I owe my life to them as well.

I see the interrelated nature of science, just like our immune system is so interrealated.

Dr Wak said, more pathways for tumours to develop than stars in the sky. My dearest friends our mission is to discover not outer space but inner space. The worlds within worlds, countless complex amazing microscopic stories, all waiting to be discovered. thats your mission.

I feel you all deserve the nobel prize, trust me you will earn it. I have shared my CIMT insights with hundreds of terminally ill cancer patients, they know you are working day by day to help them. that should be enough recognition as the CIMT team of participants. Science more than ever is a team effort. CIMT shows that team spirit as well. The co-operation I see here so encouraging. I have hope for a cure. More importantly my ill friends do as well. that should warm your heart. It does mine.

In patient communities we have to overcome parralising fear, we have replace fear with hope. Your discoveries help so much. Patients need to have faith in themselves, in their immune systems. Patients need to be reeducated. Its a bold dream, but my slogan is simply "immunotherapy first"

I don't think of you as venture capitalists, as doctors, as scientists. I simply think of you as friends I have shared CIMT2013. If we did not meet, well next year maybe. The CIMT team collectively  has so many lives in their hands. Your opportunity and potential enormous.

As patients we do our best to live with illness, to survive. thats all I ask of myself, its all I ask of you, do your very best. You never know what your best is until you TRY HARD.

I love edison, what a stubborn chap, he never gave up. He taught me so much, his example and so many others to never ever give up. To be persistent, to be patient, to be a risk taker and to have courage. the best aspects of our humanity are reflected in the field of science and medicine. Never give up on your dreams.

I will never give up, I have faith in you, in science, in medicine and in god. My many doctors and friends never gave up, I have had so much support. I am alive despite one misguided cell. If that cell is still there well, no hard feelings, but feel free to switch on your DNA repair and fix yourself and your childen. Or turn on your p53 suppressor and allow me to live in health.

Even if that hope is for a better breathe, even if that hope is for others and we are on a trial. I have struggled to motivate my fellow patients. they still view my success ( and God help the doctors and scientists to keep me alive ) I acknowledge I am completely indebted to God and to you all hear. Our collective science, translated into breakthrough medicine is the only reaosning I am standing here before you.

Is my hope false ?  N O, I am alive and well. Immunotherapy has given me many great days.
Am I confident ? Y E S, I see before me not scientists, but passionate curious humans working together for the betterment of humanity. Money and ego are apart of life, just like a beating heart. Compassion and sharing and caring are the noblest human traits. Please put health before profit, after all you cannot take it with you, but your contribution to humanity really will last forever.

Compassion is also needed by our governments to allow efficient access to potentially curative immunotherapies. they must not be left to the latest stages, that to late. The best hope is at the earliest stage of recurrence. Like in my case.

Its not often in life you get a chance to make a real difference. Tonight is a privilege for me,
Dear God bless everyone here  especially the scientistis and doctors,
Please keep all cancer patients in your loving arms and if you must grant us peace, preferably on earth, but if not in heavan.
Help us to deeply understand and truly appreciate the mysteries of our precious and fragile existence on this earth,
Help us to survive, help us to thrive.

http://www.abc.net.au/news/video/2010/11/05/3058839.htm?site=northcoast ultimate survival story

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