My first Tavarlin Order at Hallwang Clinic
I need all the help I can get to beat my colorectal stage 4, my tktl1 is 139, I am attempting the ketogenicĀ diet and am not getting into ketosis. I want to do the diet properly and not compromise my...
View ArticleHermaphrodite snowmanwoman and cea 6.3 fantastic news
I built my first dysfunctional snowmanwomanĀ wthĀ Rona, it was fun.I am so grateful my prayers have been answered, my ceaĀ 6.3 today after a waiting a week for the results. But wellĀ worth waiting for.The...
View ArticleTough hyperthermia and 3 massages in a day
Email to Dr Vogel re upcoming appointments and strategyDear Doctor Vogel,I want to thankyou for your ongoing care.I just wanted to let you know that my tumour markers have continued to fall.They did...
View ArticleEDTA my severe rare side effect and p53 suppressor therapy delayed UPDATED
IT turns out the fever was an infected port, iĀ had the same experience a few days later without edta. we always look for more complex answers, sometimes the obvious is the way to go, or assume. karin...
View ArticleEaster Sunday Church, Gym, Sauna, clinic "Donāt Eat Me" Signal on Cancer Cells Lets Phagocytes Clean UpScientists hope clinical trials with tumor-targeting anti-CD47 mAb could...
View ArticleAnother busy healing day.
Lots of things on my plate, conferences, travel plans and medical stuff. its a pleasing juggling. the wonderful Rona is leaving tomorrow, I will be so...
View ArticleRelaxing in duderstadt vaccine shot 4 unprimed and fantastic surprise family...
I am so excited to have my family coming at last, i have so much to show them. Doctor N said ishoud have a therapy break as well. My IP10 has gone fro 239 to 6000 so my immune system is over...
View ArticleOut of hibernation, torcher to get evidence, my keytone/glucose exercise...
Tonight iĀ had my highest blood keytoneĀ reading, the diet is really interesting and challenging. I feel great on it. Tomorrow is a big day, my first bioresonnnaceĀ with cindy. and must be my 25 local...
View ArticleBioresonance with nauropath today and port out wednesday due to infection,...
an hour and halfs bioresonance therapy, basically all clear, some dysbiosis issues. not much else.hopefullycindy will give me an english summary to include here. i slept through the test. my stress...
View ArticlePostcard from Duderstadt Germany Goodnews CEA down to 2.9 ITS SPRING AND ITS...
I like to live dangerously. Beat colorectal but was killed by Danica. Read this link for a laugh. thanks RonaI felt compelled to share the good news of todays cea result. I am going to live, and live...
View ArticleColorectal Enema Tips
this is a wonderful thread, I was the only one on csn who openly admitted to being an enema addict, and claiming many benefits. of course it fixes clustering, alas Ā i got into to enemas after my...
View ArticleVisited local german hospital to get port out under local
they did an xray and found a left piece from my first port, they will do the procedure 8am friday under local. no fuss , no dramas. I will be happy having it out. crazy timing getting my great cea...
View ArticleBreakfast with the German President in Duderstadt and an open letter of thanks
Its a good title, actually he is staying in the same hotel and visiting ottobock. Now I wonder if he knows doctor nesslehut is a world leader just like ottobock, except instead of improving mobility my...
View ArticleThe CSN aftermarth and the BOOK
The good and the bad of public cancer internet forumsI was a very active member on CSN colorectal, I nolongerĀ am, its the conventional versus non conventional where the old members seek to protect and...
View ArticleThe battle of the bulge
Colorectal aftermath and loosing 50 kg. The bulge was my old fat stomach but it could also be the new hernia. The glances in the sauna are fear or curiosity. One day at a time.
View ArticleStaying NED - optomistic and brash and over confident
I struggled with the title of this blog tonight, what an amazing day. many parts of the cancer experience are failing into to place. As the infected second chemo port's explanted and the remnants of...
View Articlethanks again everyone, I did a radio interview today VoiceAmerica Health and... had a nice walk in the black forest with the family. I had a peaceful nap on a park bench in the sun, no infusions at the clinic today. but my wife and kids are...
View ArticleFamily getting Hallwanged and my miracle continues
I think my book is assured of amazing success at this point, I am either a genetic freak which makes my recovery from stage 4 using immunotherapies more unique and special. Or my preference I am a...
View ArticleBowel Cancer Australia Survey - I just completed it, I wonder if they will be...
I never had a reply from anyone in Bowel Cancer Australia to my treatment success overseas, to my blog entry, to my request to publiciseĀ the effectiveness of these therapies. they are as guilty as the...
View ArticleGcmaf conference is fantastic, legoland and Gallipoli
The kids have their own adjoining room, they love it and the conference , they are fighting again, Thank you my god, life is grand.The doctors, patients and researchers and scientists are inspiring. I...
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