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Goodbye family, Hello CMIT

I did my tumour markers the other day, still waiting for the results. The families departure is getting my mind off them. I am living a very peaceful wonderful life. We are so close as a family, its good to be alive.

We walked through bare foot park on the edge of the blackforest near the hallwang clinic today. It was so much fun for us all. My feet felt almost normal. its great for neuropathy in my feet. The sun the birds and the flying fox with the kids was great.

Keith has built an amazing lego technix creation, he is one smart kid. Mel has not stoped reading. And I have not stopped talking, the colorectal discussion group has been inspirational, in my way I try and share what I have learned. I have made many suggestions to all the colorectals at hallwang.

I am looking forward to the cmit conference, I sent the rego details to the Hallwang Clinic are below.
I want to be the most knowledgable colorectal immunotherapy based survivor on the planet. I must be in the top 10. I aint met any other colorectal survivor at these conferences. maybe they are pretending to be doctors like me. Maybe I will just have to deliver a speech at this conference, but alas I am not invited. I will see how the meeting proceeds.

I hope they have english translators.

My survival is assured, at least for the next breathe. I have had such a great time with the family, but it s time for them to go home and for me to focus on research. The break over the last 4 weeks has been relaxing and good for my heart. The kids make me so proud. They have listened to the most amazing life and death stories and struggles in the clinic. sometimes they would participate. Nothing is out of bounds, and mostly they showed compassion and insight. I am so blessed.

I am looking forward to getting back into the gym, getting back into strong ketosis.

I wonder how my markers will go ? I will leave it up to God. I had a nice time at the pool this aternoon with mel, we did some high diving. I got my massage and saunas.

Another magical healing day in Germany. Its so beautiful with all the spring flowers out. I have made another batch of gcmaf probiotic yogurt. And given 800ml to sonya and another litre to my clinic friends. You would think i was asking them to try heroin, not some immune stimulating yogurt. God this is a very hard sell, and I am giving it away to them.

I still dream my cure is enduring, that my colorectal friends have similar success. if they do we will be able to change the cancer world. its fun having big dreams when your grasp on life is so fragile and passionate.

Time for another gcmaf enema and a coffee as well.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tocotrienol my head is overflowing with all the research of the last few years. the vit e stuff still interesting.

Its dawned on me , that helping to save some close colorectal friends, actually positions me well to keep myself saved. I am learning so much from my friends brave adventures with cutting edge medicine. God I pray they make, the large unresected tumours tumours I am seeing in a few, a serious challenge for the immune system. Is debulking still the way to go via surgery, or do we push for a sustained high level immune response with various cytotoxic approaches to impede growth. so when and how to resect, is such a key strategic decision.

The sooner I master the rgcc profiles in detail, and the berlin immune assays in detail the better. Not many doctors besides doctor N are confident with the berlin immune assays. so far he is the best. I am refering to doctor N senior of course.

I will met some amazing doctors at CMIT, they in turm will meet an amazing patient. I wonder if I will get an opportunity to inspire them ? with how effective immunotherapies can be. I wonder if they are interested in how to reach and motivate patients. How to give seriously ill patients some hope. I wonder if the grand adventure analogy works, it does for me. But as so often is the case, what I thinks a good analogy often sets the rest of the conventional world against me, see my CSN posts for examples.

If my God is reading or any friends who like to pray, spare a prayer for Sonya, Charlie, Ted, Ren, Peter, Sam, Vera's mum, Silvia at the clinic. At home in the UK my dear friend Rona is having her operation today. Don't forget me or yourself. Cancer is a challenge thats better read about than experienced. Of course being very healthy is in my mind at least the most point prayer you can offer, because then you are showing your God by your actions that you truly this wonderful gift he has given you, LIFE. So every pushup, every healthy meal, every kind word, and smile is a prayer to me.

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