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I WILL FLY SUNDAY, TRIP 7 IS A GOER!!!! Thank you Ellie!


I just got loan approved for medical expenses from ex wife of 20,000 eu, that needs to cover all therapies and my travel costs, so again i sleep in the snow, and walk the autobahns to save money, but I can pay for your life saving medicine. this trip no 7. will be just as successful as the previous 6 trips, and maybe 60 minutes and a documentary maker will come and highlight yours skill, care and compassion. I stress compassion! and as always I hope your fees continue reflect this. As I expect 4 trips per year for the rest of my life, until we have these technologies and skills available in Australia. Please consider my wife wants a divorce due to my spending on medical expenses, as if death by cancer is not a divorce anyway, but still when noone else will give me a cent, she still funds this trip and I remain your grateful patient and friend.

I have formally applied to the Australian government for financial compensation under the medical treatments overseas program. And have engaged a lawyer friend to manage this claim process in my absence. It would be a pity to fail because I was focused on staying alive and not doing the governments paperwork and in a sense doing there research for them. they talk about a future fund here in australia, we already have the answers, we just have to open my governments eyes, and then maybe all governments

And above all the power of the immune system to defeat or at least contain the cancer I have. I want to highlight the intergated and focused approach that gets constant results, that I believe most cancer patients in similar positions should at least have the god given right to try, if they fail its ok to die by systemic chemo, but if they have success, will they can live like me and pay taxes and contribute to society. Beyond my life is a million lives and this immunotherapy revolution needs to happen much faster.

so I must live, I will live and my world continues to change and evolve. I have a certain confidence based on my 6 previously successful trips, so i have high hopes for trip 7. Lets make this the best yet, and continue to evolve the integrated personalised therapies, that respond to real time imaging based on prof voglexpeertese at identyfing good clinical targets, drnesslhuts delivery of world class dc vaccine technology with a dash il2 and whatever incremental clinical improvements are driven by science based research. Dr siebenhueners delivery of low dosechemo xelodaoncothermia and infusions is the ideal compliment of tace and vaccine technologies. 

Florian focus on diet and holistic medicine and treg suppression using the latest techniques.

Fred focus using dc vaccine and infusions.

Marco focus using goleic to stimulate my marcophages.

the world will very soon start doing these therapy regimes, and I think your skill and contribution will become clear as more success is achieved, including my own.

I fly sunday for tace operation 8am monday  see you for goleictace 8am uniclinik.
then 1pm ipt/oncothermia/pdt dr siebenhuenerprof vogl to mark pdt targets for lasers positioning )
I suspect I will benefit from pdt laser to previously treated lung and liver presumed clear ) these areas can be treated at negligible cost, while the focus of the laser therapies can be active disease near the spleen, this of course will be targetted by prof vogl. His expertese at marking the laser sites invaluable, and essential.

The tumour antigens released, via the combined tacepdtoncothermia and ipt will provide antigens for stimulated macrophages and tcells.

At the completion of these cytotoxic therapies I will head to florian for Microcurrent therapy to target treg and do a battery of relevant tests.

Could florian send required test kits, or test details with dr seibenhueners, so I can get these tests started asap.

Can I do the berlin lab immune profile monday morning so these results can be assessed on vaccine delivery a week later in duderstadt.

Alot of clinical improvements can be obtained, I would like to do cancer markers using the duderstadt lab, as a consitent standard during this trip. A base cea/ca199 before therapies essential, as is regular measures. I propose to measure crp, and key markers to elucidate the immune cycle propose coventry et al. I will take dr nesslehuts guidance on this.

I seek the maximum response over this 2 week period, and then ongoing disease control.

If the second tace mri/cat  yields good disease control, then I will fly home for xmass with family, andd attend family holiday, planning to return mid january subject to clinical need and funding.

How does this sound as a plan ? it all hangs on profvogls eyes and gcmafgoleic injected into primary met/tumours using tace , the rest of your combined contributions. I do enjoy being the only patient on the planet directly injecting  into my  via . This innovation is a year old, have done this 5 times and so far we have these continued excellent responses.

life and medicine is fun, and I look forward to continued success. Do you mind being on 60 minutes ? or similar documentary. At this point its unlikely, but so is my existence. But this is one fund raising avenue I have tried.  I do live in hope and the impossible we know is defined by our will,

Palliative chemo will go the same way as the dinosaurs, the meteor has landed, its just conventional medicine did not hear the collision.

Please excuse the passion, its what keeps me alive!


THIS LIFE IS A GIFT! THANK YOU GOD! I HAVE A CHANCE NOW! 60 minutes will never be the same again, they have to see yoga vidya at 4am for 2 hours meditation.

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