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The 5 star Universe within and rerum

Dear friends.
I hope you are happy. I am. 
I spent the last few days at a Tony Robbins a total success series of seminars and there was really great speakers and on the last day I invited my son out of school . he is 10 years old and he enjoyed it and so did my wife
One of Tony Robbins biggest catchphrases is to unleash the power Within then I thought of a title for this blog the ."Peace Within" there is power as well within us and there is love as well in fact all the human emotions.
Hence my title today is the universe Within. I'm blessed to have life and health I have and the love and support around me. Now i still may have active cancer as my coughing is worse but i feel great.
Who wouldnt after being able to enjoy tony robbins fine and simple messages. My son is hooked and my wife enjoyed them.
I really enjoyed the seminar series and in particular Tony Robbins speeches I wouldn't say it was motivational but it was immersive.  I really have had much suffering during this 6 year journey and my  experience of seeking joy and bliss everywhere. I maybe be his greatest advocate.  All his statements statements resonate with the truth.
The recurring theme of tonies 3 hour lecture was to stop suffering and to experience joy and positive feelings I kept on wondering how to apply this to cancer patients and how blessed I am to apply this to myself.
I pictured the massive Auditorium filled with wheelchairs in sick people with oxygen bottles and at Tony's some screaming get up and some jump in, jump just wouldn't work but I don't have any ideas about what really will work we'll with the terminally ill. I do have a few and it's really the greatest opportunity in the world to tap into the hope market but how do we give but those that are dying in in pain hope and enough hope and joy to power the miracle of recovery.
I saw a liver surgeon during a seminar briefly he looked at the scan and the position of the remaining liver met and he said not operable laparoscopic so I can't get a sample for the sydney vaccine trial without massive surgery and that's a risk and an overhead I'm not willing to take.
So I'm heading to Germany for a brand new experimental  treatment and to attend my immunotherapy conference. My 4th attendance.
Ive been enjoying my absolutely precious time with wife, daughter and son. The value I place on each breath I take is quite ridiculous to those not touched by tragedy but to me each new breath is more precious than the last. Like each step.
Yesterday the kids were dropped at school and my wife and i enjoyed a seaview breakfast by the bay. Then a long beach walk with some running and swimming and stretching.
I notice a greatly increased warmth from my wife as i have had reducing markers and disease recently. My endurance and the ups and downs of our illnesses
Im assessing another liver resection in sydney of the 0.9mm spot in segment 7
As tumour material for a vaccine with dr chris weir and the company regenex is doing a clinical trial.
Im eligible for tumour banking clinical trial if i decided to do surgery.
I maybe eligible for the regenex stage 4 vaccine trial if i have lung progression.
Im booked for tace of lungs and liver 18th may in frankfurt.
Im getting stronger day by day
ive done 55 laps and its 104 laps for marathon medal. Ill get another one.
Year after year and im still here.
Oh and the 5 Star Universe within well the 5 stars for the 5 star hotel the Pullman at Sydney Olympic Park that I took my wife to one day one of the seminar and then my wife and son to on day 2 of the seminar and it was a fabulous relaxing healthy lunch my son was wonderfully impressed.
In fact when we went out to dinner at the four star Novotel my son complains this is only 3 stars Dad and I smiled and I realise my life is bliss.
That my son was jumping out of his seat joining in with all of the speakers and the excitement and lessons of the day did make me feel like a good father.
It's clear to me now that good feelings heal they help me to heal they help you to heal and when I  have good feelings then I at least appreciate them intensely. 
Back to the relay for life are conventional fundraising day but I love the conventional system as much as the alternatives and experimental there's much goodness around me at the relay for life and for some ignorance is bliss and for a lucky few bliss is based in awareness which is knowledge

Dear Peter

God bless you on your journey. You are an inspiration. I have been living with breast cancer for 7 years. Now it has spread to my bones and it is very painful. Have you used Rerum? What do you think of it? I am running out of steam and don't know what to do. 
MY ANSWER i owe my life to gcmaf and all the things in this blog. It really can help but is it enough on its own for you i cannot say but my conservative survival approach screams take massive action. Godbless you. 
See you at cmit  or be there in spirit with me. As i believe when we mix science, faith and courage we get miracles. Of course lets sprinkle with some wisdom. Maybe the miracles we seek are a simple as baking a cake.
The most important ingredient to survival is courage . Without that that we cannot take the first step into our glorious uncertain future.
The rerum gcmaf solution is a good start. Its certainly worth a try.
so my son and i at tony robbins. how do i teach my son to hunger for enlightenment. maybe at the age of 10 to hunger for 10 subscribers to his youtube channel is enough. its the smallest miracle but if you subscribe to my sons channel it will make his day. 

his unique youtube identity is epicanism. His passion for sharing his love of computer games on youtube is inspirational.


i often stroke his magnificent long blonde hair, and i have none. he is my only son and I am very proud of him.

the richness of love the surrounds me, heals me, Im obliged to share my joy, in fact its impossible to contain! Im finally on a computer keyboard for the first time in many months.

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