Its 2am and im joyfully alive and not sleepy. I had pills to late in evening tempting fate. Ive got high dose vit b3 tingles.
A wonderful early home cooked dinner with kids and a very chilly wife. But silence really is golden sometimes.
So the other afternoon in the setting sun i learned my sons secrets of building and flying paper planes. They fly like an eagle soars. Like how we can love without reservation.
His hair bounces in the golden setting sun as our dogs prance around us with glowing matted hair that shimmers like silver in the afternoon rays.
Todays taoist lesson for the son is transmutation of frustration into gratitude.
He is getting the messages of life of love that i dream of sharing. How blessed am i to live this day, this way.
The rains patter like my breathes are all priceless gifts.
My daughter asks about love.
I smile to myself, please tell me glamerous young model as my memory fades. But a few times in this existence i was surprised successful. I have 2 kids.
My answer about love. Well enjoy it.
Today my son skipped school and at lunch my friend, son and i enjoyed the movie bfg. Its a classic. I fell asleep again. Still jetlagged.
I gave my children precious map from my friend dr heinz Reinwald and how he sent them to help me heal from liver surgery in germany just 3 weeks ago. Godbless you heinz.
My children need me, they drive my will to live. Great protein essential to health as is love.
We all had map and magnesium before bed tonight.
My bravo yogurt went off perfectly with my super fresh colostrum from a couragious and kind dairy farmer in new Zealand.
I reviewed vitamin k today and am making fermented foods.
Im enjoying my hermit life and silent wife. I cannot stop my blissful smile, i dont want too. Our greatest treasures the kids maybe the best medicine and teachers.
What do your kids teach you?
I did stress i may not live forever too the kids. so relish your time with me and the lessons of healing , survival and bliss i share.
My kids have my genetic heritage in this poison world. My lessons will help my kids kids kids.
They will have kale smoothie for breakfast with a hug and smile and gcmaf yogurt.
I have super slim healthy ketogenic kids mostly.
Sleeps calling as is god.
The rest and nutrition we miss out on today we cannot catchup on. My wonderfully patient kids get sermon after sermon but i smile and make no apologies.
To give a good sermon you need gods love in abundance. I see the tortored perplexed look on the kids faces that changes to a smile when i finish.
Another day, thankyou my god, its remarkable this life, this reality as one friend is sailing north to warm adventure my adventures are just starting as my eyelids close and nothingness consumes my soul.
Oh getting keytruda thursday at $1500 aud about half price in germany.
I had a bath with son tonight and treated nitts. We joked when i said that's a 2 million dollars hair wash.
The irony is he has hair and i have none.
His comment says it all.
You might get nitts on your legs as more hair there than your head.
But i had a silent smile to myself. First ill fix this cancer and then ill regrow a full head of hair. MARK MY WORDS.
If samson can do it so can i . With gods grace of course.