The fastest clouds
Another day in this hidden paradise. What an absolute gift!They are racing across the sky. White faces across a bright blue background.My daughter rose early. Go go go to mum and dad its ice skating ....
View ArticleHelp yourself! Child ajuice abuse?
We the kids and i are watching the movie finding dory.I offered the kids my smoothie of liver kale lime broccoli. They declined somewhat emphatically.I smiled. More for me i thought.Cea 90 ouch!...
View ArticleDaily miracles everywhere sometimes wander over to the cancer survivors network. This study looks interesting. Im so glad ive been a...
View ArticleTeach me to meditate
My son asked me.I said yesYour so excited you cannot get to sleepIll yoga nidra him now.Lots of healing yoga tricks to outsmart the son.Oh and i took my daughter and son and friend to yumcha and a...
View ArticleThe uninhibited eagle
Its 2am and im joyfully alive and not sleepy. I had pills to late in evening tempting fate. Ive got high dose vit b3 tingles.A wonderful early home cooked dinner with kids and a very chilly wife. But...
View ArticleDeath by juicy chemo and life by green tea
Im in the bastion of conventional oncology. A bit like custers last stand.But i have lead a team of agents into the oncology practices and we are terrorists of the conventional system. The long term...
View ArticleWhat is love?
Check out "Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru" on,PeteSo i sent this too a great friend who is going ketogenic. The kids and i enjoyed tony...
View ArticleQuestion 8 solved by young genius therapies from beyond 4 years ago used these bugs in article above. Godbless prof ruggiero and...
View ArticleSuffering alot
The PD 1 side effects have really started and it seemed to coincide with my training on Friday afternoon it's now it's Sunday morning I can barely touch my toes I can hardly walk there's reduced...
View ArticleMore please dear god
I watch my kids on iceI said to the hyperbaric operator can i have more time?I ask god this as well. Every breathe.An extra 30 minutes. Now id already had the best 1bin the claustrophobic hyperbaric...
View ArticlePain free and pain is free
So it's great news I'm pain free. So the pain has been getting better and better the last few days. I think the extreme pain experienced was due to the combination of the checkpoint antibody keytruda...
View ArticleThe constantly broken heart
I woke up today fresh and feeling wonderful and listen to the rain . I feel my abdoman and I'm look at my stomach and I can see where my wound is now weeping freshly from the surgery 5 weeks ago. a...
View ArticleEnjoying life and loving it
This is a unique journey, this bid to live!Maybe an interesting long running saga, like days of our lives. Just like surviving so far.A question from a new friendI was looking at some of the stuff u...
View ArticleSuper liver surgery supplements
Never before and never again has a man had more supplements and super foods around open liver surgery. The solution to the ozing wound we will see but not antibiotics just yet. Something far far more...
View ArticleThe son of man and the man of son
I cried again when my eagle says this.Smile my friends and not a tear of sorrow to wash away the dirt on the payment. But tears of joy ok. In fact joyful tears quiet precious because they embody the...
View ArticleThe end of knowledge and expansion
The silver lining of this latest severe recurrence is clear to me.The game can be won i pray. I say.I hope effective these integrative immunotherapy can be way.Time will tell.Ok today its a bit...
View ArticleHealth before god?
Jokes from keith:Hank Green will give you a laughattack /|\ |BEST NERD JOKES I HAVE EVER HEARD!So it's a Sunday morning and my family sleeps and...
View ArticleDoes matter matter?
FROM A FEW DAYS AGOThe peace of ignorance. The calm before the storm .I ask myself if that's really true. Does matter matter? Its a nice pun, i have some fun! Fun is healing is it not in this world of...
View ArticleThe best friends. The most love and the biggest challenges
I am so blessed to have caring friends and readers. I did not see this setback coming.They say read it and weep.I have wept.I am getting ready to fight again .But ensure they are tears of joy!The braf...
View ArticleThe boxer who cannot count and still keeps climbing to his feet, he means...
SAVING THE DOG a new challenge! not sure how, but im onto it, starts with prayer. Toby our dogs is apart of the family....
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