Jokes from keith:
So it's a Sunday morning and my family sleeps and many many many churches are empty today. The Loveless dream in this world of love. Oh so many many souls are unhappy and scared. I see it in my sad friends email of recurrence. But lets change sadness to joy. That's another story.
One of my very dearest friends and readers has had a recurrence and I pray she finds a way to health and happiness
Yesterday was a wonderful amazing day my daughter loss to netball semi finals last year I won the grand finals and they was so happy this year they lost. Does the loss make their Victory last year sweetie in their memory I think so and that's the lesson for my daughter not to be sad that they lost but that they can be joyful that they won and that they play again next year as a team. They played so well and it was a close close game and I bought a lemon tart for the mums and daughters
I just a little sugar treats in the warm winter sun as the ketogenic hypocrite that I am
I was cheering so loudly our team and my daughter's efforts and I embarrassed to greatly once when I screamed go Melanie when she made the biggest mistake but I asked what is wrong with celebrating mistakes are they an essential part of learning in this life and we seek to hide them not show them.
We are blessed to have very very very special family friends my son made a paper plane birthday card and it took him hours. I was so proud and my daughter who refused the offer of a haircut and makeover with her mother which I thought was a good idea as I'm jealous because I cannot have a haircut anymore
I resemble the bowling balls at the bowling room where we were going in the city to meet our friends how do I celebrate my balls and lack of hair to me my baldness symbolises the Clarity of my mind and is not here to get in the way with what I see and what I say.
I walk now to church with my dogs I leave my family sleeping I shake them ever so gently and try to wake them with kisses and love but I only made the invitation to join me at mass I need to pray for my friends all around the world who is scared who are afraid who suffer and to say leave us Lucifer we love each other we love god.
So again I quick enema in the morning and the birds are singing and I'll be walking is that not enough to give thanks to this magnificent God for this magnificent life and all the worries that I have flushed down the bath drain and why I retain is for courage the strength and the love and wisdom to live this wonderful day
Pray for us those of us with immense need that we transmute our frustration Althea and all of our worries into gratitude and love
I walk to our dying Catholic Church of the old and and without much joy but I have Joy because I've been touched by God's love and that I walk to church on my own still The Greatest Miracle of All
So despite the talk of separation and divorce I pray intensely fair my miracle for my marriage for all the good things I want in this life I told my friends and we laughed so loud that I'm determined to have the most joyful divorce ever
This is my life and I celebrate it here thank you my dear friends for reading and yes I like my beautiful friend have a very very aggressive recurrence to deal with and with God's grace I Will Survive and so will you no matter what your challenge happens to be
To be or not to be I leave it to thee
When I do well and dwell intensely in the present moment the pain of the past is dissolved . the uncertainty of the future is resolved and all I have is this mysterious Bliss that I am so very very grateful for and I share here.
The most powerful cancer treatment is hope. It is here free if you have the courage and wisdom and strength to find and hold it.
Have faith my dearest friend god hears our tears falling but you alone can transmute your sorrow into joy and the bliss that awaits us easy to share
It is done, it is shared. That is enough.
I take nothing for granted my friends love, the birds songs that echo so loudly, the lonely lost erection lost to my solitude.
Maybe my greatest selling point on thsingle dads terminally ill with impotence website. Ill always be faithful physically. Ill have too wright about that. So maybe ill just be happy like now.
Gods amazing challenges to us are surpassed by the grandeur of his gifts our first prayer is for clear vision, to see what must be seen, to have strength to act at the right time.
All of these things wrapped gently with love and kindness .
Im overflowing with joy ,these extra days the grearest gift.
So a dieing mans cry is more time dear god or if his suffering intense death now please dear god.
I missed getting to mass with dogs this Sunday morning. Instead i stayed here with you. Did i miss church or are we church.
Within my journey is the way i see this life. Its oh so grand like gods love.
I wonder if the plees and dreams of a dieing man's prayers can cutaway the blindness of ignorance thats enguofing us!
So I let my wife and kids sleep instead of mass. Health before god.