I watch my kids on ice
I said to the hyperbaric operator can i have more time?
I ask god this as well. Every breathe.
An extra 30 minutes. Now id already had the best 1bin the claustrophobic hyperbaric tube. My meditation deep and relaxing.
I smiled as im always asking for more time
More love
More healing
More miracles
So my smile got me an extra hour in chamber. So a total of 2 hours and in ketosis.
I also got a fine for parking.
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myPenaltyRequest a review
We have received your request for review of Penalty Notice 3135543712.
We will place the penalty on hold while we investigate it. Please allow up to 21 days for a reply.
Your reference number is: 880982. You can print this page for your records.
Note: If a review has already been conducted and a further review is not warranted, we will advise you.
Reason for review:
I have been issued a notice forOther reason not listed
and I am requesting a review becauseMy reasons are explained in the additional details section below
Additional information:I have been diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer. I was getting medical treatment between 10am and 1pm. It went longer than normal so i was late and got fined. I walk very slowky due to treatment side effects and park as close to dr as possible. Im suffering extreme hardship emotional physical and financial due to loss of income, loss of family support and extreme pain. Any assistance appreciated
Date of offence:01/08/2016
Offence code:6656