Whats normal ? Cea and ca199 reasonable increase over two weeks, thank you God!
So same lab, same threshold my cea was 39 yesterdaqy up 11 in 15 days, ca199 259 up from 189 over same period. This is about 6 weeks post german lung rfa, and 5 weeks for the dc vaccine.I suspect the...
View ArticlePain passed like a storm
I can lay flat on my back now, the last few nights unbearable but the nature of illness is to bare gods will. I have so much my pain passed like a big storm, when so many friends, many with cancer get...
View ArticleThe miracle trial recruiting
What all other trials lack is absolute personal attention using the best specialist skill of vogl, nesslehut and siebenhuener and shilling. I introduce the patient and pray my ass off for them. I think...
View Articleicebergs and roos and headlights
The moral of the story, "Its safer leaving your head in the alternative sand if your metastatic"Once upon a time, in a land faraway existed a magical cancer clinic near a black forest, its difficult to...
View ArticleVisit mum melbourne
We left friday night on train to melbourne. I wanted to take kids to see there grandmother, maybe for the last time. I was asked about my illness, and the truth is I don't know, but that I plan to get...
View ArticleAnother Dear John Letter
BRING IT ON, SCREW CANCER, THIS EPISODE NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED, LETS FACE IT, ITS A PRICK OF AN ILLNESS, BUT ITS BEATABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dear Doctors,I hope you are all well! I feel great but...
View ArticleMTO and cimetidine
The secret of survival is to never ever give up, well that's my truth. My feet getting bad from xeloda, the joy of my first oral...
View ArticleDead ends in the cancer maze
The dead ends are critical to avoid. Read blogs and research and understand, I am seeking clarification on trial below.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24957270In my digging I found this study, I am...
View ArticleAm I committing suicide ? doing xeloda and crp timing
Excuse the provocative title buti am very aware of the risks of trying this chemo and its possible impact on my immune function, which has underlined my treatment success in germany, but until i...
View ArticleSo much to learn or should I say earn
Enjoy, life is goodhttp://www.anticancerfund.org/news/press-release-where-are-the-new-low-cost-cancer-drugshttp://www.redo-project.org/Submitting mto today, and infusions dr berry.Made my maf 314...
View ArticleHope is in my heart!
God knows why. He really does.I pray for us all, and my dear friend george who got an incurable terminal illness diagnosis very recently, not cancer. Please send his family and him some love. Tears are...
View ArticleMurdered at midnight
Once upon a time. This is an unbeleivable story, the rest of the blog true.A man with cancer spent all of his money staying alive becuase life is so wonderful.After many difficult journeys to mythical...
View ArticleSmaller cea rise 4points in 9 days, here comes the calvary
The first 9 days of low dose xeloda not too bad, but I need to quantify impact for and against immune system. This key result takes pressure, or clinical urgency away from flying friday to gcmaf cancer...
View ArticleCea 49 ca199 378 flying friday, pet scan tomorrow
I wrote this a few days ago, sometimes life is upside down, like these results. but prof bell oncologist was happy with neglible small rise. I am joyful also.another study, crp so interesting together...
View ArticleMy 8th pet scan, but who is counting. MTO lodged today!!!!!!!
Now what's the result.Getting 6 cd s, and reports that documents my entire mto claim and supporting evidence.Doing the ct scan next.canned the chest abdo pelvis ct, this pet showed lung and liver...
View ArticleLast visit to mother and John of God tomorrow
My lawyer said what we achieved with the ATO removing the default judgement debt against me is a miracle. This was blocking the loan application process, I am still doing my best to raise money to get...
View Articleso there is hope ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/globenewswire/10109127.htmmy wonderful friend wanted me to see john of god, but i slept in, after being up all night working on business overdue tax...
View ArticleSee you in heaven in 60 minutes
I left mum for the last time, see you in heaven I said. She smiled, we just finished the rosary with her nursing home friend joan. Another glorious mystery, is why I am alive with my lung mets from...
View ArticleDear 60 Minutes and ABC!!! For my mum, for us all!!!!!!!!!!!
View ArticleGodbless the mice and the scientists
A lovelly day in Sydney, working in the office, another 20 hours. Getting so many things sorted for the business and family.these studies are so good, they came in today, very exciting.study hard, have...
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